Brantley Gilbert will kick off The Ones That Like Me Tour, named after his current single, this Thursday.  When it comes to putting together his set list he says, “We’re finally to the point as a band where we usually do one cover, if we do that. So it’s just about finding an order that flows well and incorporates new music.”

Brantley also loves to honor his die-hard fans in his set list by throwing in a couple of more obscure songs that not everybody knows.  He feels like it gives those who do know all the songs can sort of a moment of pride that they are such a huge fan they know Brantley’s whole catalog.

The set list Brantley starts the tour with will likely evolve throughout the tour.  He says, “We’ll throw a few different set lists together, we’ll bounce ’em off.  A lot of times we’ll play two or three shows with the set list before we change it even if we know maybe that just didn’t work in this city.  Maybe it’ll work in the next one and the rest of ‘em. Maybe not.”

You can see Brantley’s full tour schedule at BrantleyGilbert.com.

Brantley Gilbert – planning set lists  :36

“We’re finally to the point as a band where we usually do one cover, if we do that. So it’s just about finding an order that flows well and incorporates new music. You know we like to throw a couple songs in there for die-hards that everybody in there won’t know, like a song off Prodigal Son record. A lot of people may not know that record, but I think it’s cool. It gives them something to say, ‘I know that one.” So, you know, we try to throw a couple of those in there.  We’ll throw a few different set lists together, we’ll bounce ’em off.  A lot of times we’ll play two or three shows with the set list before we change it even if we know maybe that just didn’t work in this city.  Maybe it’ll work in the next one and the rest of ‘em. Maybe not.”