Over the years, Brantley Gilbert has developed a bit of a signature sound in his music, and while he wants to make sure his music is always fresh he never wants to stray too far from what his fans have come to expect.  Brantley says, “Looking back, I remember listening to bands and being a fan of a band and they have this sound, and you go get their next record and it’s not the same band.  It’s like, man, that’s not what I got in this for. You know? I was looking for some of the same stuff that I love out of ya.”

One way Brantley makes sure he is staying true to his sound is he always goes back and listens to his previous albums in the entirety before he records a new one.  He does it, he says, “Just to make sure that – yeah, there’s new influences and there’s new things that I’m including in my songs, there’s new directions I’m taking. But, that foundation works and if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

Brantley’s signature sound definitely shines through on his latest single, “The Ones That Like Me,” off of his current album, The Devil Don’t Sleep.

Brantley Gilbert – staying close to musical foundation :31

“Looking back, I remember listening to bands and being a fan of a band and they have this sound, and you go get their next record and it’s not the same band.  It’s like, man, that’s not what I got in this for. You know? I was looking for some of the same stuff that I love out of ya. To kind of keep that process going, I always listen to my old records, all the way through. And you know, if it takes a couple of months later doing that again, just to make sure that – yeah, there’s new influences and there’s new things that I’m including in my songs, there’s new directions I’m taking. But, that foundation works and if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”