Brett Young just released the video for his latest song, “Mercy,” on Friday.  If you haven’t seen it yet, Brett told us what you can expect.  He says, “I’m doing my version of acting. We picked a really, really cool place to shoot and that kind of tells a lot of the story itself.”

The place he’s talking about is White Sands National Monument in New Mexico, which Brett says created “a very ethereal and kind of dreamlike” setting.  He explains, “What we wanted to do is just tell the story of a relationship where it’s seemingly good all the time but just like everybody who’s been in one of those knows, behind the scenes it’s not all the time.”

Using a house in Los Angeles as a second location, Brett says, “It’ll flash from her doing something in the house to doing that exact same thing with those exact same props in this other setting.  But it’s a very haunting and kind of all too familiar story. And it’s pretty much the same story that the song tells but with just a little bit of image to attach to it.”

You can see the video for “Mercy” now on Brett’s YouTube page.

Brett Young – Mercy video  :37

“I’m doing my version of acting. We picked a really, really cool place to shoot and that kind of tells a lot of the story itself.  And so what we wanted to do is just tell the story of a relationship where it’s seemingly good all the time but just like everybody who’s been in one of those knows, behind the scenes it’s not all the time.  And one location it’s just a house in Los Angeles but the other one is a very ethereal and kind of dreamlike and so it’ll flash from her doing something in the house to doing that exact same thing with those exact same props in this other setting.  But it’s a very haunting and kind of all too familiar story. And it’s pretty much the same story that the song tells but with just a little bit of image to attach to it.”