Brett Young has been touring all summer while working on his next album, and one thing that has allowed him to actually enjoy a day or two off when he’s home is bringing songwriters out on the road with him when he tours.  According to Brett, “It’s a game changer. I mean the idea of being away from home five days a week playing shows and then have to come home and be at work both days that you’re home too, is actually kind of exhausting to think about. And so the fact that two writers can hop on the bus for a weekend and you can crank out a song or two a day over the course of three days. I mean, we really did write a whole record last summer on the bus which meant I got to come home and be home.”

More and more artists are making a habit of bringing various songwriters out on the road with them.  Florida Georgia Line even has an entire bus devoted to carrying their songwriters to tour stops all over the country.  Brett says, “It’s a huge lifesaver and it’s one of those things you kind of dream about. It’s really been a game changer for our lifestyle.”

Brett is celebrating his “Mercy” becoming his fourth consecutive #1 song off his debut album.  The next single he releases will be off his next album, which he’ll be releasing details about soon.

Brett Young – bringing writers on road  :27

“It’s a game changer. I mean the idea of being away from home five days a week playing shows and then have to come home and be at work both days that you’re home too, is actually kind of exhausting to think about. And so the fact that two writers can hop on the bus for a weekend and you can crank out a song or two a day over the course of three days. I mean, we really did write a whole record last summer on the bus which meant I got to come home and be home. So it’s a huge lifesaver and it’s one of those things you kind of dream about. It’s really been a game changer for our lifestyle.”