When Tyler Hubbard of Florida Georgia Line and his wife Hayley recently traveled to Africa, he was completely blown away when he was visiting a local village one night and they asked him to sing a couple of songs, and as soon as he started to sing “Meant to Be,” all of the villagers started to sing along.  Tyler says, “One thing you learn when you travel the world is how big the world really is and how small you really are. Maybe in the States we’re well known, but when you travel the world, you realize … I mean, country music’s not really worldwide either.”

It’s moments like the one he experienced in Africa, that open his eyes even wider and he says, “We’re now becoming more global and seeing, just really truly being surprised and inspired by the fact that these random villages, in the middle of nowhere in Africa, happen to know ‘Meant to Be.’  I mean, it’s mind blowing and a lot of that, now due to streaming and the way that music can be consumed, has really opened up a lot of doors for us and really encouraged me to think even bigger and outside of the box.”

Whether FGL one day stages shows in Africa, or they find other ways to use the tremendous platform they’ve been blessed with to give back and make a difference in the world, Tyler says he and BK look forward to continuing to build on their success and seeing what new doors it might open, and he says, “That’s really exciting and it’s really cool and very humbling at the same time.”

Florida Georgia Line will soon be revealing details of their next album, which will feature their #1 song, “Simple,” and their brand new single, “Talk You Out of It.”

Florida Georgia Line – being known worldwide  :47

Tyler Hubbard – “One thing you learn when you travel the world is how big the world really is and how small you really are. Maybe in the States we’re well known, but when you travel the world, you realize … I mean, country music’s not really worldwide either. You know what I mean? So you just kind of put yourself in a box. But, you know, when we were over there, we did have a lot of those moments. We’re now becoming more global and seeing, just really truly being surprised and inspired by the fact that in these random villages, in the middle of nowhere in Africa, happen to know ‘Meant to Be.’  I mean, it’s mind blowing and a lot of that, now due to streaming and the way that music can be consumed, has really opened up a lot of doors for us and really encouraged me to think even bigger and outside of the box and say, ‘Hey, why don’t we continue to build this thing and do shows in Africa halfway across the world and continue to build what we’re building?’ So that’s really exciting and it’s really cool and very humbling at the same time.”