Tyler Hubbard of Florida Georgia Line and his wife Hayley recently took another trip to Africa, where they frequently visit to support #GlobalActionInNursing, which educates nurses to help make childbirth safe for every woman in the world.  They also love to visit the elephant sanctuaries in Africa, and after this last trip, Tyler came home with an incredible elephant tattoo on his outer left forearm.  Tyler explains, “It represents a lot. I mean, elephants are super intellectual animals and really, honestly, I just learn more and more about them every time we go to Africa and they’re truly inspiring. Basically their values and their morals as animals and the way they love and respect and have a community and a family and just the power— they’re just so majestic.”

Tyler and his wife Hayley also have a deep love for nature, often taking family hikes in whatever part of the world they’re in, and Tyler says his elephant tattoo serves another purpose.  “It’s also just a reminder to preserve and take care of our environment and our world and kind of that side of things because it’s all a big circle and everything works together,” he explains.  “So when we start taking things for granted, even like the trees and the animals and stuff like that, you know, it starts to affect our world.”  Plus, Tyler adds, “We also just love elephants and everything that they represent.”

Florida Georgia Line just kicked off their Las Vegas residency and their new song, “Talk You Out of It,” is steadily making its way up the charts.

Florida Georgia Line – Tyler elephant tattoo  :44

Tyler Hubbard – “It represents a lot. I mean, elephants are super intellectual animals and really, honestly, I just learn more and more about them every time we go to Africa and they’re truly inspiring. Basically their values and their morals as animals and the way they love and respect and have a community and a family and just the power— they’re just so majestic. It’s also just a reminder to preserve and take care of our environment and our world and kind of that side of things because it’s all a big circle and everything works together.  So when we start taking things for granted, even like the trees and the animals and stuff like that, you know, it starts to affect our world. And, you know, I’ve just learned a lot traveling and being on safari over the last few years. It’s just been pretty eye opening. So it’s just a little reminder of a lot of things. But we also just love elephants and everything that they represent.”