Florida Georgia Line recently revealed that their next album called Can’t Say I Ain’t Country, featuring “Simple” and their latest single, “Talk You Out of It,” will be out on February 15th, which makes them even more excited to ring in the New Year and get through the next two months so that they can share all of their new music with their fans.  In describing the new album, Brian Kelley says, “I think it represents, I guess, where we’ve been the past couple of years and where we’re at in the present moment, where we’re headed … We both think the songs are the strongest probably since our first record or maybe ever.”

FGL has put out some huge hits and some great songs in their career, but Brian says with the new album, “The songs just feel like we’ve really elevated our game.  We’ve had more time to write, had more time to get songs in and had our Tree Vibez bus out with us just cranking out songs.  Probably a couple more collaborations, a couple party songs, a couple songs make you think, maybe take you to church, but it’s good old FGL.”

Keep an eye in FloridaGeorgiaLine.com for pre-order details for Can’t Say I Ain’t Country, coming soon.

Florida Georgia Line – preview fourth album  :30

Brian Kelley – “It’s just exactly where we’re at, just like every other album. I think it represents, I guess, where we’ve been the past couple of years and where we’re at in the present moment where we’re headed. But I think there’s still something for everybody on this record. I think we both think the songs are the strongest probably since our first record or maybe ever. You know we were talking about that the other day. The songs just feel like we’ve really elevated our game.  We’ve had more time to write, had more time to get songs in and had our Tree Vibes bus out with us just cranking out songs.  Probably a couple more collaborations, a couple party songs, a couple songs make you think, maybe take you to church, but it’s good old FGL.”