Tim McGraw is pumped to finally have his McGraw 2022 Tour off and running, which is his first solo tour in six years. When he chose Russell Dickerson, who is known for his high energy shows, as his main opener, Tim says, “I always want people out there who are gonna push me and people I learn from. Every opening act I’ve ever had, I’ve watched from the side of the stage, and I’ve always learned something from ‘em.”
Even though Tim has been in this business for over 30 years, he says, “I think when you stop learning from other artists, then you should probably hang it up. There’s so many people out there I learn from, from the newest artist out there to some of the artists that have been around for a long time. You learn something new every time you see ‘em.”
And whether Tim’s talking about Russell or his other two openers, Brandon Davis and Alexandra Kay, whom he found through social media, he says, “I look for somebody that’s gonna certainly get the crowd goin’ and somebody who’s gonna bring their A game every time that they perform, cause that elevates me.”
For fans who aren’t familiar with Brandon and Alexandra, Tim wants to encourage everyone to get to the show early so they can catch their short sets. “Well first, you’ve gotta come see ‘em because they’re just super talented,” Tim says. “They’re both great singers that are great people. They have such an inner light to ‘em that I think that’s gonna resonate on the stage, and I think that’s even gonna come out more when they get in front of a big crowd, in front of a lot of people on a big stage.”
Plus, Tim predicts Brandon and Alexandra have big careers ahead of them, so people should get to know them now while they’re on their way up. This weekend the McGraw 2022 Tour will be stopping Charlotte, NC, Atlanta and Orange Beach, AL. You can check for Tim’s complete tour schedule.
Tim McGraw – picking openers :28
“I always want people out there who are gonna push me and people I learn from. Every opening act I’ve ever had, I’ve watched from the side of the stage, and I’ve always learned something from ‘em. And I think when you stop learning from other artists, then you should probably hang it up. There’s so many people out there I learn from, from the newest artist out there to some of the artists that have been around for a long time. You learn something new every time you see ‘em. You know, I look for somebody that’s gonna certainly get the crowd goin’ and somebody who’s gonna bring their A game every time that they perform, cause that elevates me.”
Tim McGraw – why early for openers :19
“Well first, you’ve gotta come see ‘em because they’re just super talented. They’re both great singers that are great people. They have such an inner light to ‘em that I think that’s gonna resonate on the stage, and I think that’s even gonna come out more when they get in front of a big crowd, in front of a lot of people on a big stage. And I think that’s gonna be something that you’re not gonna wanna miss because I think that they’re gonna have a big career ahead of ‘em.”