current single: “DAMN GOOD DAY TO LEAVE

Riley Green’s latest song, “Damn Good Day to Leave,” is about a guy who’s not all that broken up about a woman leaving him, and making the best of the day. Riley admits that in his real life, he’s not the best at communicating his feelings, which may explain why the girl in the song left.

Riley Green – communicator in relationships. :27

“I’m probably not very good, you know, relationship-wise, expressing my emotions too well.  Writin’ a song’s a whole lot easier.  You know, it’s one of those things where it’s a good way to get stuff off your chest even if you’re just writin’ it for yourself. It’s funny, you know, you think of me being able to get on stage and sing a song about all my feelings to a bunch of complete strangers, it’s a pretty cool thing to be able to do. That’s like the best kind of therapy there is, I think. So, that’s definitely my strong suit is puttin’ it in a song as opposed to communicatin’ it in person.”