(AUDIO) Danielle Bradbery Finds Her Confidence On Stage

Prior to going on The Voice, Danielle Bradbery had never performed in front of large crowds, which made a lot of people wonder where she got the confidence to get on stage and sing on the show.  She admits that she had the typical nerves and butterflies before she would perform, but then she says, “Every time I go on stage, and just start up my song, I automatically had this comfortable feeling of being on stage.  Something just clicked.  It was crazy.”  And it’s crazy to her because she says, “I’ve always had stage fright.  Ever since I was little, I didn’t really wanna sing in front of anybody, didn’t like the eyes on me.  I was so scared.”  Danielle gives credit to Blake Shelton for helping her overcome her stage fright and she says, “I guess as I grew up and this experience with ‘The Voice’ has really, really changed on my confidence.”
Don’t forget to watch Danielle singing her debut single, “The Heart of Dixie” on the CW’s Hart of Dixie in late November.
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Danielle Bradbery – where does stage presence come from  :41
“Before my performances, of course, I’d have that regular nervous habit of having the butterflies.  But every time I go on stage, and just start up my song, I automatically had this comfortable feeling of being on stage.  Something just clicked.  It was crazy.  I’ve always had stage fright.  Ever since I was little, I didn’t really wanna sing in front of anybody, didn’t like the eyes on me.  I was so scared.  I guess as I grew up and this experience with ‘The Voice’ has really, really changed on my confidence and Blake has helped me out with that too.”

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