(AUDIO) Danielle Bradbery Finds Universal Meaning In Debut Single

Danielle Bradbery’s debut single, “The Heart of Dixie,” tells the story of a woman who finds the courage to leave her alcoholic husband, which is obviously something Danielle has never done at the young age of 17, but she says, “The first time I heard that song, ‘The Heart of Dixie’, something about that really caught my eye.”  While she can’t relate to the specific story of the woman in the song she says, “In a way I can say, ‘Oh my gosh, I’ve been through something like that.’  I don’t have a husband yet and things like that, but I dug a little deeper and kind of found the actual story and kind of put it in other situations like going through a hard time but finding yourself and just finding this whole new path to go on and starting over.”  It was the universal message of strength and hope that really made Danielle fall in love with the song, plus she says, quite simply, “It’s country and it’s just fun.”


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Danielle Bradbery – The Heart of Dixie  :36

“The first time I heard that song, ‘The Heart of Dixie’, something about that really caught my eye, although I really can’t relate to it, in a way I can say, “Oh my gosh, I’ve been through something like that.  I don’t have a husband yet,” and things like that.  But I dug a little deeper and kind of found the actual story and kind of put it in other situations like going through a hard time but finding yourself and just finding this whole new path to go on and starting over.  And I saw that in ‘The Heart of Dixie’ and I love that song.  It’s country and it’s just fun.”

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