(AUDIO) Tim McGraw Loves Everything About High School Football

When Tim McGraw’s not working on any given Friday night, chances are you’ll find him on the sidelines of a high school football game.  “I love high school football,” says Tim.  “We go to every high school football game we can, we rarely miss any.  Even though our daughter is a cheerleader we still went way before they were even in high school, we were going to high school football games.”  Not only is Tim a football fan in general, but he loves the atmosphere of high school games and he says, “The heart and soul that the kids put into it, how hard they worked, the effort that they have. What football, any sport really, what it teaches you about life, what it teaches you about losing, and winning even. It’s just sort of a microcosm for how to go about life and how to go through your life and how to handle adversity.”

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Tim McGraw – fan of high school football
“I love high school football, we go to every high school football game we can, we rarely miss any, even though our daughter is a cheerleader we still went way before they were even in high school, we were going to high school football games. You know, I love the atmosphere on Friday nights, the heart and soul that the kids put into it, how hard they worked, the effort that they have. What football, any sport really, what it teaches you about life, what it teaches you about losing, and winning even. It’s just sort of a microcosm for how to go about life and how to go through your life and how to handle adversity.”

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