(AUDIO) Danielle Bradbery Finds Songs She Can Connect To

One of the challenges Danielle Bradbery had when making her debut album was finding age-appropriate songs to record.  Danielle says, “You have to look out for the songs that are kind of like, whoa she’s only 17 kinda thing. I, of course, didn’t wanna show everybody, OK well I’m gonna grow up this fast, and things like that. But, these songs on my album, I feel like suits really well with my age group.”  But she also wanted to connect with older fans and to show that she could grow and stretch herself a little because she says, “I think it wouldn’t hurt to kind of grow up a little bit in these powerful ballads and show people, like I can do this too, and things like that. But I feel l did a good job about keeping it kind of young.”  Although Danielle has never been married, like the woman in her debut single, “The Heart of Dixie,” she says it was the message of strength and survival and resilience that really drew her to the song and that she hopes everyone can relate to.


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Danielle Bradbery – songs for 17 year old  :44

“You have to look out for the songs that are kind of like, whoa she’s only 17 kinda thing. I, of course, didn’t wanna show everybody, OK well I’m gonna grow up this fast, and things like that. But, these songs on my album, I feel like suits really well with my age group, and with other older age groups too cause some of ‘em talk about young love and that’s perfect for the age group and some are really inspirational. And I think it wouldn’t hurt to kind of grow up a little bit in these powerful ballads and show people, like I can do this too, and things like that. But I feel l did a good job about keeping it kind of young.”

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