(AUDIO) Danielle Bradbery Says Football Season Is The Most Exciting

When Danielle Bradbery has some free time in between tourig with Brad Paisley, promoting her debut single, “The Heart of Dixie,” and doing her school work she enjoys watching a little football. “I love sports,” says Danielle, “and actually, in high school I loved being in track and I loved going to our high school football games and baseball games.” Although the only game left this season is the Super Bowl, Danielle says, “Football season is the most exciting and I love going to games, and I’m a big Texans fan, being from Houston. Sports, I’m all up for that.”


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Danielle Bradbery – football fan :19
“I love sports, and actually, in high school I loved being in track and I loved going to our high school football games and baseball games. Yah, football season is the most exciting and I love going to games, and I’m a big Texans fan, being from Houston. Sports, I’m all up for that.”

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