(AUDIO) Danielle Bradbery Enjoys The Glamorous Side of Her Job

Some artists could take or leave the part of the job that requires them to get primped or dressed up or fixed up with hair and make-up, but Danielle Bradbery says she loves that part of her job. “It is fun, and it’s really cool having somebody do your hair and do your makeup. Really awesome, how I couldn’t even do half of the things they can.”

Danielle, who has her first top 20 single with “The Heart of Dixie,” has always loved make-up but she says, “I never really liked just getting myself all glammed up just to go to the store or something. But now, it’s just full on, OK photo shoot, let’s put this glittery dress on, and the red carpet and things like that. So, it’s a whole different world, but I like it.”


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Danielle Bradbery – like glamour side of job :36
“It is fun, and it’s really cool having somebody do your hair and do your makeup. Really awesome, of how I couldn’t even do half of the things they can. I mean, it’s cool cause before, I mean I love makeup and I never really liked just getting myself all glammed up just to go to the store or something. But now, it’s just full on, OK photo shoot, lets put this glittery dress on, and the red carpet and things like that. So, it’s a whole different world, but I like it.”

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