(AUDIO) Florida Georgia Line Mixes Business With Pleasure On Tour

Florida Georgia Line had the opportunity to open for Luke Bryan, with whom they sing their latest single, “This Is How We Roll,” for most of last year, and this year they’re out on the road with Jason Aldean. Besides having a ton of fun on the stage, the guys try to spend some time with the headliners off the stage, too. “Last year, out with Luke, we played a lot of basketball, it was a fun summer and a fun year,” says Brian Kelley. “We played basketball as much as we could and went to the gym a lot. And getting’ to hang with Luke, write with him and his crew and his band, it’s just incredible.”
This year they say they’re looking forward to hanging out with Jason Aldean. Brian says, “Maybe get some huntin’ time in and we like hangin’ out after the shows, and kickin’ it and havin’ some drinks and listenin’ to some music and it just feels like it’s gonna be another incredible year touring. And we’re just gonna crank it up.”

You can see a complete list of Florida Georgia Line’s tour dates here.


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Florida Georgia Line – touring with Luke now Jason :29
Brian – “Last year, out with Luke, we played a lot of basketball, it was a fun summer and a fun year, I think we did about 75 dates. We played basketball as much as we could and went to the gym a lot. And getting’ to hang with Luke, write with him and his crew and his band, it’s just incredible. And looking forward to hangin’ out with Jason this year and maybe get some huntin’ time in and we like hangin’ out after the shows, and kickin’ it and havin’ some drinks and listenin’ to some music and it just feels like it’s gonna be another incredible year touring. And we’re just gonna crank it up.”



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