(AUDIO) Danielle Bradbery Felt Welcomed With Open Arms By Brad Paisley

Danielle Bradbery is out on the Beat This Winter Tour with Brad Paisley and for her it’s a bit of a surreal experience. “I mean, when they told me that they want me to come out with Brad Paisley and be on his tour … I remember just listening to songs a long time ago and being the biggest fan and just wanting to meet him and being a regular fan, like these other people, and now he’s asking me, ‘come on tour with me’. I’m like, no big deal. It’s crazy!”

All of Brad’s people have made the tour a special experience for Danielle. “All around the most kind-hearted people, and I mean, open arms like welcome,” she says with a smile. “I just felt so welcomed with everybody and I’m so excited.”

The Beat This Winter Tour will wrap up on March 1st, in Brad’s home state of West Virginia. In the meantime, Danielle is thrilled to have her first top ten single with her debut single, “The Heart of Dixie.”


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Danielle Bradbery – touring with Brad Paisley :40
“I mean, when they told me that they want me to come out with Brad Paisley and be on his tour, at first I was like; See I remember just listening to songs a long time ago and being the biggest fan and just wanting to meet him and being a regular fan, like these other people, and now he’s asking me, ‘come on tour with me’. I’m like, no big deal. It’s crazy! And I mean, all around the most kind-hearted people, and I mean, open arms like welcome. I just felt so welcomed with everybody and I’m so excited.”

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