(AUDIO) Danielle Bradbery Is Enjoyng Being “Young In America”

Danielle Bradbery spent the first part of 2014 on tour with Brad Paisley and Chris young as part of his Beat This Winter Tour. While she had a ton of fun and learned a lot, she’s excited about the tour she’s on now because it features a lot of acts who are closer to her age. She’s out with Hunter Hayes on his We’re Not Invisible Tour, with special guests Dan + Shay and Danielle says, “It’s going amazing. It’s a really young tour so it’s a lot of fun and it’s a totally different experience and it’s really awesome.”

Danielle is 17, Hunter is 22, Dan is 26 and Shay is 22, so it’s almost appropriate that her new single is called “Young in America.”


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Danielle Bradbery – Hunter Hayes tour :11
“It’s going amazing. I’m on it with Hunter Hayes and also Dan + Shay. It’s a really young tour so it’s a lot of fun and it’s a totally different experience and it’s really awesome.”

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