(AUDIO) Danielle Bradbery Has Come A Long Way In A Short Time

When Danielle Bradbery won The Voice on June 17, 2013, she had zero experience in the music business. In fact, before performing on the show, she had never performed on a stage in front of an audience because she was so shy. But to see her now, out on tour with Hunter Hayes, walking red carpets, doing interviews, you would never know that was all less than a year ago. Even Danielle is amazed at how far she’s come in such a short time. “I look at old pictures of my blind audition and I mean, listening to how I did interviews then and I learned so much about myself and compared to all that stuff now it’s like, WOW! I was like a new person and it’s an amazing feeling. I can tell you that.”

Danielle just released her new single, “Young In America,” and she will be out with Hunter through the end of next month on the We’re Not Invisible Tour.


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Danielle Bradbery – progress since The Voice :17
“I mean, I look at old pictures of my blind audition and I mean, listening to how I did interviews then and I learned so much about myself and compared to all that stuff now it’s like, WOW! I was like a new person and it’s an amazing feeling. I can tell you that.”

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