(AUDIO) Cassadee Pope Learns Not To Sweat The Small Stuff

Cassadee Pope manages to keep a smile on her face most days, and she says a lot of that is learning not to let every little thing stress her out. If she could go back and give her younger self any advice, Cassadee says, “I would try and tell myself to not sweat the small stuff. I remember a lot of things affecting me so strongly, and if I could just take a step back and breathe and know that it’s such a small thing in the grand scheme of things, it probably would have kept me a little more stress free.”

For now, life is pretty good for Cassadee. Her latest single, “I Wish I Could Break Your Heart,” is currently climbing the charts and she’s gaining new fans every night out on tour with Tim McGraw.


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Cassadee Pope – advice to younger self :20
“I would try and tell myself to not sweat the small stuff. I remember a lot of things affecting me so strongly, and if I could just take a step back and breathe and know that it’s such a small thing in the grand scheme of things, it probably would have kept me a little more stress free.”

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