(AUDIO) Tim McGraw Opens Up About His Decision To Stop Drinking

Tim McGraw will tell you he is probably in the best shape of his life these days. He owes it all to the fact that he has become almost religious about working out and eating healthy, and he made the decision about six years ago to stop drinking entirely. Tim explained to Oprah during his Master Class episode, “It got to the point that I knew that I drank too much and I knew that it was affecting my personal relationships, it was affecting my professional relationships, it was affecting my family. It was turning me into a person that I didn’t want to be. I knew that I was at a point that I could lose everything that I had in my life, first and foremost my family, and I stopped.”

These days Tim is reaping the benefits of his healthy lifestyle out on his Sundown Heaven Town Tour, and he’s celebrating his latest top 15 (and still climbing) single, “Meanwhile Back at Mama’s,” off his new album, which he’ll release on September 16th.


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Tim McGraw – quitting drinking (courtesy of OWN) :21
“It got to the point that I knew that I drank too much and I knew that it was affecting my personal relationships, it was affecting my professional relationships, it was affecting my family. It was turning me into a person that I didn’t want to be. I knew that I was at a point that I could lose everything that I had in my life, first and foremost my family, and I stopped.”

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