(AUDIO) Danielle Bradbery Loved Her Time On The We’re Not Invisible Tour

Danielle Bradbery recently wrapped up her time on the Hunter Hayes We’re Not Invisible Tour and looking back she loved the experience and knows she made some life-long friends. “Oh man, it was amazing,” says Danielle. “I mean all of us are so young; me, Hunter, Dan and Shay. And talk about screaming girls in the crowd. But we all became so close and seeing each other now it’s like best friends. It’s so refreshing to see them and so much fun. I learned so much.”

This summer Danielle will be hitting the fair and festival circuit and promoting her perfect summertime anthem, “Young In America,” the latest release off her debut album.


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Danielle Bradbery – Hunter Hayes tour :18 (red carpet audio)
“Oh man, it was amazing. I mean all of us are so young; me, Hunter, Dan and Shay. And talk about screaming girls in the crowd. But we all became so close and seeing each other now it’s like best friends. It’s so refreshing to see them and so much fun. I learned so much.”

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