Tim McGraw has been making a living with music for almost 25 years and he says he knew from the first time he ever played on a stage that music was what he wanted to do. “I was in college and the first time I played in a club, my first year of college, I took my high school ring and pawned it and bought a guitar. And I learned how to play 50 songs over that summer and started playing for tips at the end of that summer, and I was hooked from then on and I knew that’s what I wanted to do.”
These days Tim is playing for much bigger crowds on much bigger stages with his Sundown Heaven Town Tour, which is the name of his new album that he’ll release on September 16th, featuring his latest single, “Meanwhile Back at Mama’s.”
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Tim McGraw – learning guitar :18
“Once I decided I was gonna do this for a living. Well I was in college and the first time I played in a club, my first year of college, I took my high school ring and pawned it and bought a guitar. And I learned how to play 50 songs over that summer and started playing for tips at the end of that summer, and I was hooked from then on and I knew that’s what I wanted to do.”