(AUDIO) Danielle Bradbery Would Love To Sing With Carrie Underwood

Danielle Bradbery has had a chance to meet a lot of great people since winning The Voice and signing with Big Machine Records, but when it comes to someone she’d love to sing with, there’s one name that instantly comes to mind. “I’ve always said Carrie Underwood,” says Danielle. “I’ve always looked up to her and I think that would be awesome, if I got to sing with her at any chance. Yeah, that would be amazing.”

Danielle has met Carrie, and perhaps in the future her dream of singing with her will become a reality.


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Danielle Bradbery – dream duet partner :11
“I’ve always said Carrie Underwood. I’ve always looked up to her and I think that would be awesome, if I got to sing with her at any chance. Yeah, that would be amazing.”

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