(AUDIO) Florida Georgia Line’s Influences Include Classic Rock

Florida Georgia Line has a broad range of musical influences from country to hip hop to classic rock and more. When asked about some of their classic rock influences, Brian Kelley cites Led Zeppelin. Tyler Hubbard agrees and adds Van Halen and Stevie Ray Vaughn to the list, although he recognizes Stevie Ray may not be considered classic rock. The same goes for one of Brian’s choices, Def Leppard. He’s not sure if they’d be considered “classic,” but regardless, the guys say they listen to everything.

FGL’s latest single, “Dirt,” which will be on their forthcoming sophomore album, definitely shows a different side of the guys from some of their party anthems on their first album.


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Florida Georgia Line – classic rock influences :15
Tyler Hubbard – “I like uh …”
Brian Kelley – “Led Zeppelin …”
Tyler – “Led Zeppelin … Van Halen …”
Brian – “Van Halen, you’ve gotta love some Van Halen.”
Tyler – “Stevie Ray Vaughn, that might not count.”
Brian – “Def Leppard.”
Tyler – “Is that classic? We listen to it all.”

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