(AUDIO) Playing Baseball Stadiums Is A Dream Come True For Florida Georgia Line

Florida Georgia Line is out on the Burn It Down Tour with Jason Aldean, which is in the midst of playing five stadium shows. Brian Kelley says, “We’re both big fans [of baseball]. Tyler played for a while and I played all the way through college and that’s a dream come true for both of us. We’ve loved baseball ever since we were little and any time we got to go near any kinda baseball stadium this past year we’d take BP (batting practice) and we’d check it out.”

The guys have had a blast getting to play their hits as well as their latest single, “Dirt,” for the sold out crowds in the stadiums. The tour played Cleveland’s Progressive Field and Great American Ball Park in Cincinnati two weekends ago, Nationals Park in Washington DC and PNC Park in Pittsburgh this past weekend, and they’ll play Citizens Bank Park in Philadelphia this coming Friday.


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Florida Georgia Line – big fans of baseball :19
Brian Kelley – “Yah, we’re both big fans. Tyler played for a while and I played all the way through college and that’s a dream come true for both of us. We’ve loved baseball ever since we were little and any time we got to go near any kinda baseball stadium this past year we’d take BP and we’d check it out. So, gettin’ to play music there is gonna be epic for us.”

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