When Brian of Florida Georgia Line was younger, he loved to rollerblade, only his parents didn’t know.  So he says, “I’d go down the street and rollerblade on my friend’s rollerblades.  And so finally I talked to my parents, ‘Can I just get a pair of rollerblades for Christmas?’  It was like the biggest deal, I loved rollerblading.

When Christmas morning came, Brian was so excited to open his rollerblades, only it turns out there were two left rollerblades in the box.  But that didn’t stop him.  He says, “I put ‘em on and I rollerbladed the whole day.  ‘Cause Christmas day it was closed, ya know?  So I put two of the left rollerblades on and I rollerbladed the whole dang day until we went back the next day.  I had to rollerblade. I think I might have cried a little bit but I put two lefts on.  It was ridiculous.”

Florida Georgia Line – Christmas Brian  :32

Brian Kelley – “I remember – this is kind of a funny story – I was really big into rollerblading and I wasn’t really allowed to. So I’d go down the street and rollerblade on my friend’s rollerblades.  And so finally I talked to my parents, ‘Can I just get a pair of rollerblades for Christmas?’  It was like the biggest deal, I loved rollerblading.  So I finally got a pair for Christmas and it was two left rollerblades.  And so, I put two of the left rollerblades on and I rollerbladed the whole dang day until we went back the next day.  I had to rollerblade. I think I might have cried a little bit, but I put two lefts on.  It was ridiculous.”