(AUDIO) Brett Young Awed By Sacrifices of Our Military

Memorial Day is just about a week away, and “Sleep Without You” singer, Brett Young, says, “Memorial Day is a huge, huge holiday. I can’t even wrap my head around the sacrifices that these men and women make.”

Last year, Brett and his people decided to create a video for an older song of his called “Would You Wait for Me,” a song that had received strong feedback and response from people with military ties. Brett says, “Wives and girlfriends talkin’ about their husbands and boyfriends that were way at war and how they were just waiting for them to get home, and the song ‘Would You Wait For Me’, just seemed to be the right move to film a music video that was themed around the armed forces, and so we did that and there was an outpouring of people that just said they connected and that it meant so much to them.”

That song and the feedback the video generated made such a huge impact on Brett and his admiration of the military. He says, “I can never know what it’s like to make that kind of sacrifice, but I’m so grateful to the men and women who are doing that for us and our country.”

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Brett Young – Memorial Day :48
“Memorial Day is a huge, huge holiday. I can’t even wrap my head around the sacrifices that these men and women make. It was really cool, this time last year we shot a music video for an older song of mine called ‘Would You Wait For Me’, and before we shot the video we had so many responses to the songs. Wives and girlfriends talkin’ about their husbands and boyfriends that were way at war and how they were just waiting for them to get home, and the song ‘Would You Wait For Me’, just seemed to be the right move to film a music video that was themed around the armed forces, and so we did that and there was an outpouring of people that just said they connected and that it meant so much to them. So, I can never know what it’s like to make that kind of sacrifice, but I’m so grateful to the men and women who are doing that for us and our country.”


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  • HOMETOWN / ORIGIN: Orange County, California
  • DEBUT SINGLE: “Sleep Without You”
  • DEBUT ALBUM: Coming…