Brett Young was born and raised in Southern California, which had a definite influence on the sound of his brand of country music.  Brett says, “We keep calling it California country. I think that’s the best way to generalize it. I just grew up listening to country music as well as a lot of R&B. Then also just the laid back nature of growing up and going to the beach my whole life. I think there’ just this laid back, mellow element to the country side of what we’re doing. I think I’d call it laid back, mellow country pop.”


You can hear Brett’s mellow country pop sound in his latest single, “Sleep Without You,” which is available on his debut EP, which is out now.

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Brett Young – describe music  :19

“We keep calling it California country. I think that’s the best way to generalize it. I just grew up listening to country music as well as a lot of R&B. Then also just the laid back nature of growing up and going to the beach my whole life. I think there’ just this laid back, mellow element to the country side of what we’re doing. I think I’d call it laid back, mellow country pop.”