Thanksgiving is this week, and it also happens to be a pivotal week for Brett Young, because it’s the week his debut single, “Sleep Without You,” could make it’s way to #1 on the charts.  “So, the timing of Thanksgiving weekend we could be getting some really good news,” says Brett.  “But even if that weren’t the case, just what’s happened in the last year and not just signing a record deal or getting to make an album under Big Machine, but the fact that the first single is having success and the fact that the second single’s already teed up to have success, which is, you know, for me, sophomore single and sophomore album are the two most terrifying things. And so to know that that’s already taking care of itself for the most part, I feel very fortunate.”

Brett is very close to his family and he says, “There’s a lot to be thankful for and I’m going to get to be back in California with my parents for Thanksgiving which is always nice to get back there and to see them.  And so, always a big fan of the holidays anyways but this is going to be a special one.”

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Brett Young – Thanksgiving  :42

“The crazy thing about Thanksgiving this year is it looks like that’s our push week for this first single to go number one. So, the timing of Thanksgiving weekend we could be getting some really good news. But even if that weren’t the case, just what’s happened in the last year and not just signing a record deal or getting to make an album under Big Machine, but the fact that the first single is having success and the fact that the second single’s already teed up to have success, which is, you know, for me, sophomore single and sophomore album are the two most terrifying things. And so to know that that’s already taking care of itself for the most part, I feel very fortunate. And so there’s a lot to be thankful for and I’m going to get to be back in California with my parents for Thanksgiving which is always nice to get back there and to see them.  And so, always a big fan of the holidays anyways but this is going to be a special one.”