Brett Young has things he thought might happen differently in his life, but he doesn’t have any regrets.  Honestly he says, “I don’t believe in regrets.  I understand them, and I don’t take a hard angle if there are people that, you know, want to talk about regrets that they have, but for the most part, one of my favorite sayings, and I say it all the time is, ‘If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans’.”


Brett was pursuing a baseball career before an injury sidelined him and led him to music, which he definitely doesn’t regret, and he says, “I think just everything in your life happens on purpose in order to get you where you’re supposed to be, and so if you waste your time regretting things, you’re really just wasting your time.”


Brett’s debut single, “Sleep Without You,” is sitting just outside the top 20 on the charts, and it’s featured in his self-titled EP, which is available now.


Brett Young – regrets  :23

“You know, I don’t believe in regrets.  I understand them, and I don’t take a hard angle if there are people that, you know, want to talk about regrets that they have, but for the most part, one of my favorite sayings, and I say it all the time is, ‘If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans’.  I think just everything in your life happens on purpose in order to get you where you’re supposed to be, and so if you waste your time regretting things, you’re really just wasting your time.”

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