Brett Young just released his self-titled debut album, featuring his first #1 song, “Sleep Without You” and his current single, “In Case You Didn’t Know.”  Brett just stepped into the national spotlight in 2016, so some people might think he’s a bit of an overnight sensation.  He laughs and says, “Yeah that’s my favorite, a 13 year overnight success. I know that it feels like that, it kind of feels like the overnight thing for me sometimes because it happened so fast and at such a different level than anything else that I’ve done. But yeah I think this March will mark 14 years since I first got in the studio to do my first little five-song EP.”

Some people who have worked as long as Brett’s been working to build his career might take offense at people calling them an overnight sensation, but Brett says, “We were reaching the smallest little audience and I’m aware this is new for everybody that’s hearing it on the radio and so I like that knowing that I’m new music to them and I’m a new artist to them, and I like kind of that responsibility to, because I’m new, really let them get to know me and get to know what I’m about.  And so that’s cool to me that it feels like that.”

Fans who are just learning about Brett and his music will have plenty of chances to see him this year when he opens shows for Luke Bryan, Justin Moore & Lee Brice and Lady Antebellum.

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Brett Young – overnight sensation  :41

“Yeah that’s my favorite, a 13 year overnight success. I know that it feels like that, it kind of feels like the overnight thing for me sometimes because it happened so fast and at such a different level than anything else that I’ve done. But yeah I think this March will mark 14 years since I first got in the studio to do my first little five-song EP. I know some people that will hear that ‘overnight success’ thing that have been at it this long and they’ll kind of get miffed. Not for me though because, like we were reaching the smallest little audience and I’m aware this is new for everybody that’s hearing it on the radio and so I like that knowing that I’m new music to them and I’m a new artist to them, and I like kind of that responsibility too because I’m new really let them get to know me and get to know what I’m about. And so that’s cool to me that it feels like that.”