Brett Young is enjoying his time on the Lady Antebellum You Look Good Tour this summer and he’s also enjoying being part of the growing Lady Antebellum tour family.  As you may have heard, Dave Haywood of Lady A and his wife announced they are expecting a little girl in December, and Hillary Scott revealed she is expecting twins in February.  They both found out the news on tour, and Brett says, “It’s been really cool to get the news with them and be out there as they’re finding out what’s going on and keep their secrets for them for a little while until they tell the world.  Right in the middle of it. I mean it’s turned into like a tour family and it’s been really cool to be a part of.”

While Brett is enjoying being a part of Lady Antebellum’s growing family, he has said he’d like to start a family of his own one day, but for now he’s focusing on his busy music career, including his third single, “Like I Loved You,” which he hopes will also become his third number one song.

Brett Young – Lady A tour family  :12

“It’s been really cool to get the news with them and be out there as they’re finding out what’s going on and keep their secrets for them for a little while until they tell the world.  Right in the middle of it. I mean it’s turned into like a tour family and it’s been really cool to be a part of.”