Brett Young will join Justin Moore and Lee Brice on their co-headlining American Made Tour, next week, on March 23rd, and he is definitely excited about being on the road with both guys.  Brett says, “Before I even moved to Nashville Lee was one of my favorite artists. And then getting here and getting to work with the same management, so getting to know him a little bit. He’s just such a great guy and he’s such a fun dude so being on the road with him is going to be really, really fun.  And then you know signing here at Big Machine I’ve gotten to know Justin a little bit and he couldn’t be a cooler guy.”

Brett, whose latest single, “In Case You Didn’t Know,” is about to crack the top 20, also loves that the line-up of him and Justin and Lee will be diverse.  He says, “I love that musically they’re so different and all three of us are so different musically that it’s going to just be a fun blend and a couple of great guys that I’m just looking forward to getting to know a little bit better.”

You can see all of Brett’s tour dates for the year at brettyoungmusic.com.

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Brett Young – Lee and Justin tour  :29

“I’m so excited.  Before I even moved to Nashville Lee was one of my favorite artists. And then getting here and getting to work with the same management, so getting to know him a little bit. He’s just such a great guy and he’s such a fun dude so being on the road with him is going to be really, really fun.  And then you know signing here at Big Machine I’ve gotten to know Justin a little bit and he couldn’t be a cooler guy. Also I love that musically they’re so different and all three of us are so different musically that it’s going to just be a fun blend and a couple of great guys that I’m just looking forward to getting to know a little bit better.”