Brett Young admits a lot of his songwriting ideas that don’t come from his own personal life, come from day to day conversations he has, which can sometimes be distracting.  He says, “I’m not one of these people, I can’t just write about nothing. That’s really hard for me. So like if it isn’t other songwriter’s idea I need them to tell me the whole story where it came from. I need emotionally connect to it. And so you’ll see me all the time in the middle of a conversation, and I know it seems rude but I have to do it, I’ll pick up my phone and write a note to myself, ‘Just said this, this is the idea I got,’ so that I can go back later and write that song.”

Brett hopes people realize he not just being rude by picking up his phone in the middle of conversations, but it’s the only way he can remember he ideas he has in the moment, because he says, “Most of my songs come from everyday conversation.”

Brett Young – getting inspired  :35

“Yeah that’s a big part of my process actually because I’m not one of these people, I can’t just write about nothing. That’s really hard for me. So like if it isn’t other songwriter’s idea I need them to tell me the whole story where it came from. I need emotionally connect to it. And so you’ll see me all the time in the middle of a conversation, and I know it seems rude but I have to do it, I’ll pick up my phone and write a note to myself, ‘Just said this, this is the idea I got,’ so that I can go back later and write that song.  That happens to me all the time and I’m sure people think I’m grabbing my phone and texting and not listening to them anymore. So I’ll apologize and I’ll be like, ‘Hold on, I had to write that down. I got a song idea. Hold on one second.’ Most of my songs come from everyday conversation.”