For some guys, songwriting is a way for them communicate their emotions in a way that they can’t or don’t in their everyday life, but Brett Young says that’s not the case for him at all.  He says, “I’m an open book.  If you get me talking about my opinion you might be stuck for a little while.  If we’re talking about something serious, I’m gonna be an open book and I have no trouble communicating what I have to say.  But I also, in my life, I feel like silence is golden sometimes.”

At the same time, as much as he is an open book, sometimes Brett can be slow to open up because he says, “I can be pretty quiet.  So sometimes to get me to start talking, and I don’t know who I got that from.  Both my parents are amazing communicators.”

The good thing is, if Brett ever did need help expressing himself through song, he’s a fantastic writer, so he certainly has the skills to put his emotions into a song, like his latest single, “In Case You Didn’t Know,” which he co-wrote.

Brett Young – express yourself in real life  :21

“I’m an open book.  If you get me talking about my opinion you might be stuck for a little while.  On the opposite side of the coin though, I can be pretty quiet.  So sometimes to get me to start talking, and I don’t know who I got that from.  Both my parents are amazing communicators, but for the most part, if we’re talking about something serious, I’m gonna be an open book and I have no trouble communicating what I have to say.  But I also, in my life, I feel like silence is golden sometimes.”