Brett Young is extremely close to his family, and he loves sharing his career with them but he admits certain parts can be a little awkward, like his first music video for “Sleep Without You,” which involved some footage of him in a bed, kissing a lingerie-clad woman.  Brett laughs and says, “I still haven’t asked my parents how they felt about that video. I think like, we’re all happy not having the conversation.”

as awkward as sharing that video with his parents might be, Brett says honestly, making the video was even more awkward.  He says, “What was awkward was having 12 people and a full camera crew and a smoke machine, and standing over you and telling you you’re doing it wrong.”

While Brett’s latest video for “Like I Loved You,” doesn’t involve any awkward intimacy scenes, he knows there will probably be more of those moments in his future.  And while they can be awkward to film, in part because his co-star is usually a total stranger, Brett says in some ways, like when filming “Sleep Without You,” “I think the awkwardness was alleviated by the fact there were 12 people with cameras standing over us.”

You can watch all of Brett’s music video, plus behind-the-scenes footage, on BigMachineTV.com.

Brett Young – showing family video  :26

“I still haven’t asked my parents how they felt about that video. I think like, we’re all happy not having the conversation.  But for me,for the most part, it wasn’t really awkward. What was awkward was having 12 people and a full camera crew and a smoke machine and standing over you and telling you you’re doing it wrong.  That’s the whole point, you don’t know what you’re doing.  And it wasn’t super awkward for me just because it felt like work. It was a unique experience for me. But no, I think the awkwardness was alleviated by the fact there were 12 people with cameras standing over us.”