When Brett Young was growing up, when it was his turn to choose the music that played in the family car, he would always choose country music just to annoy his older sister, but now that Brett is a country music star in his own right he says, “She’s so supportive, first of all, and secondly, that only worked because she didn’t like country music.  She’s now one of the biggest country music fans I know.”

His sister now lives in Portland, Oregon and they don’t get to see each other as often as they’d like to, but Brett says, “It’s fun to have her follow my career and check in with me about things that I didn’t even know was happening yet because she’s more on the news stories than I am and it’s been really cool to see the girl who hated country so much that I would play it to annoy her become a big country music fan and get to be a part of this with me.”

No doubt Brett’s sister is keeping her eye on his latest single, “Like I Loved You,” as it climbs the charts.”

Brett Young – sister thinks of music  :34

“She’s so supportive, first of all, and secondly, that only worked because she didn’t like country music.  She’s now one of the biggest country music fans I know. So it’s been a really cool thing to watch her involvement. She lives in Portland and so even when I was living in L.A. She had moved quite a ways north and now I’m in Nashville.  So we don’t get to see each other as much as we would like to but it’s fun to have her follow my career and check in with me about things that I didn’t even know was happening yet because she’s more on the news stories than I am and it’s been really cool to see the girl who hated country so much that I would play it to annoy her become a big country music fan and get to be a part of this with me.”