Brett Young’s debut single, “Sleep Without You,” is also his first #1 song of his career, and one of the things he’s enjoyed most is watching fans connect with the song.  Brett says, “It’s been amazing to watch people react to the song. You know, being the first single I’ve ever got to put out at this capacity to radio and that would reach this many people, it’s just really cool to watch people kind of make their own story connect to, you know, a lyric that I wrote that came from something that I lived. It’s really cool the first time you play a show and hear people sing it back to you is like a one of a kind experience and so I’ve been pinching myself. It’s been pretty crazy.”

After Brett celebrates his first #1 song over the holidays, he’ll follow it up with his next single, “In Case You Didn’t Know.”

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Brett Young – Sleep Without You feedback  :25

“It’s been amazing to watch people react to the song. You know, being the first single I’ve ever got to put out at this capacity to radio and that would reach this many people, it’s just really cool to watch people kind of make their own story connect to, you know, a lyric that I wrote that came from something that I lived. It’s really cool the first time you play a show and hear people sing it back to you is like a one of a kind experience and so I’ve been pinching myself. It’s been pretty crazy.”