(AUDIO) Brett Young Made A Serious Commitment To Nashville

Brett Young is originally from Southern California, but he grew up loving country music, and when he decided to move to Nashville to pursue his career, he made a serious commitment to the city by getting the Nashville skyline tattooed on his arm. Brett explains, “I got the tattoo of the Nashville skyline on my arm because moving to Nashville to really give my all 100% to music was one of the biggest decisions I’ve made in my life. And I thought that that was significant and I wanted to have something to remember that by and to encourage myself to keep with it and that it was important and something worth sticking to.”

Brett’s debut single is called “Sleep Without You,” and it’s available on his self-titled, debut EP.

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Brett Young – Nashville skyline tattoo :20
“I got the tattoo of the Nashville skyline on my arm because moving to Nashville to really give my all, 100% to music was one of the biggest decisions I’ve made in my life. And I thought that that was significant and I wanted to have something to remember that by and to encourage myself to keep with it and that it was important and something worth sticking to.”