When Brett Young was a kid, he loved basketball, but it turns out he was a really great pitcher in baseball, so he says, “Baseball was kind of always going to be the path for me since I was little. It wasn’t even my first love- basketball was. I just threw really hard and I was a big kid. I was just kind of groomed for that.”

At one point, while Brett was still in high school, he had pro scouts coming to check him out, but he knew he wanted to go to school first.  He says, “I still made the decision to go to college instead and told them not to waste a draft.”

But everything changed when Brett injured his pitching arm and professional baseball was no longer an option.  He ultimately found his way back to music and he says, “You know, I always say if you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans. Baseball clearly wasn’t the plan for me.”

Based on the success of his debut single, “Sleep Without You,” and the way the fans have reacted to Brett Young’s debut EP, we’d say music is definitely in God’s plan for him.

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Brett Young – baseball not the plan  :25

“Baseball was kind of always going to be the path for me since I was little. It wasn’t even my first love- basketball was. I just threw really hard and I was a big kid. I was just kind of groomed for that. There started being professional scouts at games about junior year of high school, but I still made the decision to go to college instead and told them not to waste a draft. You know, I always say if you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans. Baseball clearly wasn’t the plan for me.”