Before getting into music full time, Brett Young was on track to become a professional baseball player.  After that career dream was sidelined by a shoulder injury that required surgery, Brett began his music career and has never looked back, although he admits, “I miss baseball all the time especially when I watch baseball. It’s really hard to have made it to the level that I did and then have it like, basically taken away, you know, kind of halted because you have all those ‘what ifs.’  You wonder how far it could have gone.”

However, Brett says he has zero regrets about the turn his life has taken and the fact that music is now his career.  Brett says people ask him all the time why he didn’t go back to baseball after his surgery and he says, “Because I had already found music at that point. I’ve never for one second since I started music, have I wondered if I was supposed to do this. This has always been very clear to me. So I miss baseball but I can’t wait to have kids and throw the ball with them and you know enjoy it from that perspective next.”

Brett has already enjoyed one #1 song, and his second single, “In Case You Didn’t Know,” is on the cusp of breaking into the top ten on the chart.

Brett Young – miss baseball  :34

“I miss baseball all the time especially when I watch baseball. It’s really hard to have made it to the level that I did and then have it like, basically taken away, you know, kind of halted because you have all those ‘what ifs.’  You wonder how far it could have gone. But that said, I don’t have any regrets about, you know everybody goes ‘Why didn’t you go back?  After you had surgery you could have…’  Because I had already found music at that point. I’ve never for one second since I started music, have I wondered if I was supposed to do this. This has always been very clear to me. So I miss baseball but I can’t wait to have kids and throw the ball with them and you know enjoy it from that perspective next.”