If you’ve seen Brett Young, then you know he has quite a few tattoos, including a full sleeve that he’s working on completing on his left arm, that chronicles his musical journey from California to Nashville.  He incorporated his first #1 song, “Sleep Without You” into one of his existing tattoos, but he doesn’t plan to memorialize every #1 song that way.  “I’m like, power of positive thinking guy,” says Brett, “and one of my favorite sports quotes is, you know when people celebrate too much after they do something good, I think it was Bear Bryant that said ‘behave as if you’re going to do it again,’ like stop that.”

Brett hopes to have too many #1’s to be able to get a tattoo for each one but he says, “The first one is the special one.  You know you bleed for your first record and your songs are like your babies and ‘Sleep Without You’ was such a special song because it was the one that I got introduced to the world with and it did so well. And so, you know, I put this on here to commemorate the fact that 14 years of really hard work and believing in something can actually work out if you stick with it.”

So far Brett’s first two singles have gone to #1 and his third single, “Like I Loved You” is heading up the charts, so it looks like his positive thinking is working.

Brett Young – #1’s in tattoos  :34

“I’m like power of positive thinking guy and one of my favorite sports quotes is, you know when people celebrate too much after they do something good, I think it was Bear Bryant that said ‘behave as if you’re going to do it again,’ like stop that, you know. And so I kind of want to put that into the universe that there are going to be too many to fit hopefully, you know what I mean. But also the first one is the special one.  You know you bleed for your first record and your songs are like your babies and ‘Sleep Without You’ was such a special song because it was the one that I got introduced to the world with and it did so well. And so, you know, I put this on here to commemorate the fact that 14 years of really hard work and believing in something can actually work out if you stick with it.”