When you listen to Brett Young’s debut single, “Sleep Without You,” which he helped co-wrote, you get the sense that he’s a pretty romantic guy.  Brett says, “I think the most romantic thing I’ve done for anybody is saying ‘I love you’ and meaning it. I think it’s so easy to say that to try and get something, or say it too soon because you’re infatuated and you don’t know what you’re talking about, but I think the most romantic thing I’ve ever done is say ‘I love you’ and actually mean it.”


You can find “Sleep Without You,” and “In Case You Didn’t Know,” another romantic song from Brett, on his self-titled debut EP, which is available now.

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Brett Young – most romantic thing  :17

“I think the most romantic thing I’ve done for anybody is saying “I love you” and meaning it. I think it’s so easy to say that to try and get something, or say it too soon because you’re infatuated and you don’t know what you’re talking about, but I think the most romantic thing I’ve ever done is say “I love you” and actually mean it.”