Brett Young has a tattoo on his outer right forearm that says “if it feels like home follow its path.”  Brett explains that it’s great life advice for him that came from one of his favorite poets.  “There is a poet named Robert Drake, and on Instagram he’s RMDrake and I’ve followed him for a really long time,” says Brett.  “And I paraphrased one of his poems. Basically it still says the same thing but I just changed the wording a tiny bit.  What it means to me is trust your instincts, follow your dreams, don’t let anybody tell you no.”

Brett realizes that’s easier said than done, especially in the music business, but he says, “I feel like in an industry like this, the easiest thing in the world would be to get discouraged or give up or have somebody tell you that you can’t because the odds are against you. But the bottom line is if it’s the only thing that’s going to make you happy you shouldn’t let anybody or anything convince you otherwise and so that’s what this one means to me.”

So far, Brett’s instincts to follow his path are paying off with his #1 song, “Sleep Without You,” and his second single, “In Case You Didn’t Know,” steadily climbing the charts.

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Brett Young – feels like home tattoo  :35

“So there is a poet named Robert Drake and on Instagram he’s RMDrake and I’ve followed him for a really long time.  And I paraphrased one of his poems. Basically it still says the same thing but I just changed the wording a tiny bit.  What it means to me is trust your instincts, follow your dreams, don’t let anybody tell you no. And it’s easier said than done but I feel like in an industry like this the easiest thing in the world would be to get discouraged or give up or have somebody tell you that you can’t because the odds are against you. But the bottom line is if it’s the only thing that’s going to make you happy you shouldn’t let anybody or anything convince you otherwise and so that’s what this one means to me.”