Brett Young is a romantic at heart, so when it came to writing his debut single, it wasn’t hard to channel all those feelings of not being able to sleep without the one you love, even if it just means their voice is the last one your hear before you close your eyes.  Brett explains, “You know my last relationship was six years and when I’m with somebody I’m like a very, very dependent person in a relationship. So I was thinking about, we never lived together, but when you’re with somebody that long and you’re used to that goodnight call or text message, it’s hard to go to bed without it.”


He also had the example of his parents, who have been married for 36 years.  Brett says, “I know my dad, it’s always strange for him still. They’ve been together for 36 years. If she goes away for like a women’s retreat for the weekend, it’s strange for him to not have her there. And I thought, I think that’s the sweet twist. So I brought it to Kelly Archer and Justin Ebach, and they loved it. Justin’s a great track guy, so by that night we had a demo and I think we all knew it was pretty special.”

“Sleep Without You” is available on Brett’s self-titled, debut EP, which is available now.

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Brett Young – Sleep Without You idea  :34

“You know my last relationship was six years and when I’m with somebody I’m like a very, very dependent person in a relationship. So I was thinking about, we never lived together, but when you’re with somebody that long and you’re used to that goodnight call or text message, it’s hard to go to bed without it. And I thought, then if you’re in a relationship if you’re married and you live with that person. I know my dad, it’s always strange for him still. They’ve been together for 36 years. If she goes away for like a women’s retreat for the weekend, it’s strange for him to not have her there. And I thought, I think that’s the sweet twist. So I brought it to Kelly Archer and Justin Ebach, and they loved it. Justin’s a great track guy, so by that night we had a demo and I think we all knew it was pretty special.”