(AUDIO) Brett Young’s Mom Is One of His Favorite People On Earth

As busy as Brett Young is promoting his debut single, “Sleep Without You,” we guarantee he won’t forget his mom next Sunday, May 8th, which is Mother’s Day. Brett says, “Mother’s Day is always a super important day for me. I’ve had incredible women in my life. My mom is one of my favorite people and one of the most inspirational people I’ve ever known. She’s intelligent and she’s sweet and she’s soft-spoken, and she’s loving and she’s caring and she’s incredible and she’s been an amazing example. And so for that reason alone, Mother’s Day is incredible.”

We don’t know what Brett has in store for his mom, but we know he also plans to celebrate his grandmother’s, whom he also considers incredible women in his life who deserve to be honored on Mother’s Day.

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Brett Young – Mother’s Day :20
“Mother’s Day is always a super important day for me. I’ve had incredible women in my life. My mom is one of my favorite people and one of the most inspirational people I’ve ever known. She’s intelligent and she’s sweet and she’s soft-spoken, and she’s loving and she’s caring and she’s incredible and she’s been an amazing example. And so for that reason alone, Mother’s Day is incredible.”


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  • HOMETOWN / ORIGIN: Orange County, California
  • DEBUT SINGLE: “Sleep Without You”
  • DEBUT ALBUM: Coming…