current single: “WHATCHA SEE IS WHATCHA GET”
This time of year is like Christmastime for Chris Janson because his favorite drink is back in season, and he admits they’re a bit of an addiction for him.
Chris Janson – pumpkin spice latte addict :22
“This pumpkin spice latte, only from Starbucks, nobody makes it as good as they do. I’ve been liquidating all the stashes around Nashville because they stop ‘em at Thanksgiving, but that’s not good enough for me. So, I know that there’s Targets and all kinds of stuff that has Starbucks. So anyway, long story short, I would go in and I’ve liquidated them. I buy ‘em 10 at a time. I put ‘em in my fridge, and I drink ‘em, just hand over fist. I love pumpkin spice latte. I don’t really drink any coffee other than that though.”