Riley Green spends a lot of time away from home and away from his family down in Alabama, touring all over the country to promote his debut single, “There Was This Girl,” and his EP, In A Truck Right Now.  So it’s no surprise that when it comes to the holidays, the most important thing to him is getting back to the people he loves.  “What I enjoy about Christmastime is getting to go home and spend time with my family, and kind of get a break from being out on the road,” says Riley.

Riley will be touring all the way up to December 22nd, and he has already started lining up dates in January 2019, so any amount of time he gets to spend with his family and take a little break from traveling is a welcome change of pace.

Riley Green – Christmas  :06

“What I enjoy about Christmastime is getting to go home and spend time with my family, and kind of get a break from being out on the road.”