DEBUT SINGLE – “Learn From It”
In Conner Smith’s debut single, “Learn from It,” there’s a line that says, “Or the time I got sick in my backyard. For a first dip, it was way too much.” Besides learning from the first time he tried dipping chewing tobacco, Conner also remembers one of the last times. “I was out on a dirt road with four or five of my best friends. We were sittin’ on our trucks, had a little fire goin’ out in the middle of the country. And I had a dip in, and one of my buddies had his camera with him and he was taking some pictures. And he took a picture of me with his Copenhagen can.”
At the time, Conner didn’t think anything of his buddy taking pictures of him with a dip in his mouth, but then he says, “The next day was prom night, and (my buddy’s) dad took all his prom pictures on the camera.”
Conner’s buddy’s dad gave Conner’s mom the SIM card with the prom pictures on it so that she could edit them, which is when she discovered the pictures of Conner with a dip in his mouth, and he says, “I woke up the next day with ‘10 Reasons Not to Chew Tobacco’ taped to my bathroom mirror.”
Needless to say, Conner will never forget one of his last times dipping tobacco and having to “Learn from It” when he got busted by his mom.
Conner Smith – dipping :34
“I was out on a dirt road with four or five of my best friends. We were sittin’ on our trucks, had a little fire goin’ out in the middle of the country. And I had a dip in, and one of my buddies had his camera with him and he was taking some pictures. And he took a picture of me with his Copenhagen can. I didn’t think anything of it. Well, the next day was prom night, and his dad took all his prom pictures on the camera. Well, he gave the SIM card to my mom to edit the pictures, and so when she put it in her computer she saw this picture of me with a dip in my mouth. And I woke up the next day with ‘10 Reasons Not to Chew Tobacco’ taped to my bathroom mirror.”